The TwinLife research team offers workshops on quantitative genetic twin modeling to the scientific community. These workshops happen in irregular intervals, roughly once a year for the duration of the project, and are always free of charge.
On this site, we would like to share select materials from previous workshops so those who are interested can read or re-read the slides, and use the provided scripts for their research.
On this site, we would like to share select materials from previous workshops so those who are interested can read or re-read the slides, and use the provided scripts for their research.
Behavioral Genetic Data Analysis – Basic Workshop Aug. 2022
In the first part of this session, basic terms and concepts of behavioral genetics such as types of gene-environment correlations and gene-environment interactions (G × E) will be introduced. The second part gives an overview on the TwinLife study design and useful tips for working with its data, e.g. using relevant documents (shortguide, codebooks, longitudinal overview).
Behavioral Genetic Data Analysis – Advanced Workshop Sept. 2022
The first session reviews the content of the basic workshop: uni- and bivariate ACE models and their implementation in R.
Some helpful functions for twin modeling in R or RStudio with OpenMx/umx/twinflex:
Useful links and more materials for twin research:
➔ International Statistical Genetics Workshop in Boulder, CA (USA)
➔ OpenMx Modeling Materials from Hermine Maes